Logo on the event page on the CRE615 website with your company’s bio / call to action and a URL that directs people to your website, LinkedIn, or email (please select one).
Hyperlinked logo (to your website or LinkedIn) on all Summit related email campaigns.
Logo and info on the Welcome Slideshow playing for 1 hour before the first speaker takes the stage (see photo far right).
Individual and company acknowledgement via tagging and/or logo on select social media posts.
1 event ticket + 25% off for up to 2 additional tickets.
Logo in the event brochure silver sponsors page*.
Everything included with the Silver Sponsorship PLUS:
Logo on the printed welcome sign at event check-in.
Additional runtime with your logo and contact information on the slide show before the event starts, and during the 15 minute breaks between each speaker / panel.
Logo, bio / call to action and contact information in the event brochure*.
2 event tickets + 25% off up to 2 additional tickets.
Add your business cards to the speaker gift bags.
Everything included with the Gold Sponsorship PLUS:
Your branded swag and literature in the speaker gift bags.
You may provide 2 branded raffle items to give away on stage along with a gift card and gift basket we will procure for you.
2 event tickets + 25% off up to 4 additional tickets.
MVP’s AI photo software will text attendees in real time with your logo at the bottom of the image (see photo top left).
Logo on key slides during the event (see photo bottom left).
Logo on all event photos text immediately to attendees using
Logo on the event recap video.
Come up on stage to introduce yourself and present a panel if you like! Or we can give a shoutout for you!
Bring any banners, marketing materials, etc. to setup a table.
A copy of all event photography to keep and use however you like for future marketing purposes.
Full page ad in the event brochure with your logo, company bio / call to action, contact information and individual representative headshot or group photo (optional)*. We will customize to your liking.
*This new feature is subject to pricing and budgetary restrictions, and we will notify you if we elect to do a digital or printed brochure.